HOA News

Orchard Heights Current Events

Covenants and by-laws Voting: The vote was in favor for the new covenants and sent to our attorney and were filed with McHenry County.


The Association Park on Riverside Dr. has been closed due to dangerous trees. It is the responsibility of the HOA to maintain all properties owned by the assoication so they are available for use to all association members.

The Board was able to negoiate a better rate to have dead and dangerous trees removed. The arborist was there today clearing out the dead and dangerous trees and cleaning up the lot.

We will be removing the seawall that is in disrepair and falling into the Fox River. The goal is to be able to open the park in the spring for members.


Because the association made the change to the new Easy HOA website, dues for 2024 were sent out late. Again the invoices you received this past summer were for the fiscal year 2024. The fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st. We are currently putting together our budget for the fiscal year 2025 and will schedule an association meeting in the coming weeks and sending out dues invoices for the year 2025.

Posted on:Jan 02nd, 2025

Orchard Heights On The Fox POA News

Orchard Heights Current Events

Covenants and by-laws Voting: The vote was in favor for the new covenants and sent to our attorney and were filed with McHenry County.


The Association Park on Riverside Dr. has been closed due to dangerous trees. It is the responsibility of the HOA to maintain all properties owned by the assoication so they are available for use to all association members.

The Board was able to negoiate a better rate to have dead and dangerous trees removed. The arborist was there today clearing out the dead and dangerous trees and cleaning up the lot.

We will be removing the seawall that is in disrepair and falling into the Fox River. The goal is to be able to open the park in the spring for members.


Because the association made the change to the new Easy HOA website, dues for 2024 were sent out late. Again the invoices you received this past summer were for the fiscal year 2024. The fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st. We are currently putting together our budget for the fiscal year 2025 and will schedule an association meeting in the coming weeks and sending out dues invoices for the year 2025.

Posted on:Jan 02nd, 2025